Your Desire for Money is Good

What do you think of when you think of money? For most people their immediate thought is “I wish I had more”. Then there are thoughts about the money they don’t have and the things they don’t have because they don’t have enough money. Usually there is substantiation as to...
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Custom Author and Energy Magazine Issue Fields

  • Marilee Tolen
  • Aug/Sept 2009
  3577 Hits
3577 Hits

The Alchemy of Choice

Everything in your life is a reflection of a choice you made. If you want different results, start making different choices. — Dr. Wayne Dyer I have had the great blessing of sharing final conversations with loved ones as they left this world. At the end of their lives they...
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Custom Author and Energy Magazine Issue Fields

  • Jeanette Schneider
  • Article
  3886 Hits
3886 Hits

I Want to Start My Business But Not Sure How . . .

Nine times out of ten, if you ask for business start-up advice, you will be told that the best thing to do is to start with a Business Plan. Even though we know there are many successful private practice businesses that were started without a Business Plan, it is an...
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Custom Author and Energy Magazine Issue Fields

  • Nov/Dec 2012
  3560 Hits
3560 Hits

Are You What You Feel? Emotions and Your Immune System

Just last week, I opened my mailbox and pulled out an envelope from the IRS. Talk about immediate stomach cramp and heightened anxiety. Turns out, it was an unexpected refund, though my pounding heart, cramping gut and throbbing head did not exactly get the message right away. Perhaps you recall...
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Custom Author and Energy Magazine Issue Fields

  • Ramona Rolle-Berg
  • Jan/Feb 2016
  3956 Hits
3956 Hits

Befriending Your Entrepreneurial Spirit

When you enter into a contract to do healing work and hold space for a healing or holistic practice, there is a requirement that you attend to your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual dimensions so that you can be a clear conduit for Spirit in and through your work. A...
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Custom Author and Energy Magazine Issue Fields

  • Amelia Vogler
  • Jan/feb 2017
  3428 Hits
3428 Hits

The Extreme Importance of Self-Care as a Healing Touch Practitioner. . . . . .and How NOT to Set Yourself Up for Failure © (including “Tools for the Trade”)

As Practitioners, who we are, and how we live, have a direct influence on the healing experience for our clients. Some may disagree and say “it is not we who are doing the healing, so it shouldn’t matter who we are or how we live our lives.” I agree, but...
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  3341 Hits
3341 Hits

Supporting Self-Care with Intention: The Role of Feng Shui

The practice of self-care has gained attention in the lives of care providers including nurses and Energy Medicine practitioners. The American Holistic Nurses Association’s (AHNA) commitment to self-care is clearly stated in Core Value 5: Holistic Nurse Self-Reflection and SelfCare. “Holistic nurses value themselves and mobilize the necessary resources to...
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Custom Author and Energy Magazine Issue Fields

  • Ellen Schultz
  • Article
  4682 Hits
4682 Hits

Strategies for Empaths and Sensitive People

Empaths are emotional sponges who absorb other peoples’ stress into their own bodies. As an empath myself, I know how exhausting this can be. Quiz: Are You an Empath?  Are you super sensitive to the world around you? You may be an empath! Take this quiz and make the first...
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Custom Author and Energy Magazine Issue Fields

  • Judith Orloff
  • Article
  7642 Hits
7642 Hits

Self-Care: Engaging the Back Side of the Human Chakra System

I would like to invite you to make contact with the back side of your chakras as another self-care tool. The back side of the chakras generally speak to us in symbols, colors, shapes and words. When working with the back side, we are asked to engage noncognitively through “feeling,”...
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Custom Author and Energy Magazine Issue Fields

  • Franny Harcey
  • Article
  3968 Hits
3968 Hits

Practicing Gratitude

Good food to eat, my kids’ laughter, glimpses of blue sky (I live in Seattle), our tight community of neighbors, for all these things, I am truly grateful.  T’is the season to count our blessings. While Thanksgiving encourages us to give thanks on the fourth Thursday of November, being grateful...
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Custom Author and Energy Magazine Issue Fields

  • Karin Ogren
  • Article
  3491 Hits
3491 Hits